Silver Üye
- Katılım
- 4 Mar 2022
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- 59
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20 dene 10 dne 30 dene onu kendine gore ayarlaman lazimKanka tamam da, 9 yazinca hic bir sey olmuyor. Crosshair ile mi ilgili? Denediğin cross'un kodunu atar mısın?
20 dene 10 dne 30 dene onu kendine gore ayarlaman lazimKanka tamam da, 9 yazinca hic bir sey olmuyor. Crosshair ile mi ilgili? Denediğin cross'un kodunu atar mısın?
Tamam ama neye göre ayarlamam lazım sorun o, crosshair placement’a göre mi? Senin denediğin cross hangisi bir onu paylaşabilir misin belki 9 default senin cross da çalışıyordur.20 dene 10 dne 30 dene onu kendine gore ayarlaman lazim
random_delay = random.uniform(0.1, 0.3)
import pydirectinput
import keyboard
from PIL import ImageGrab
from colorama import Fore, Style
import time
import winsound
import random
def is_renk_tonu(x, y, width, height, r_range, g_range, b_range):
screenshot = ImageGrab.grab(bbox=(x, y, x + width, y + height))
pixels = screenshot.getdata()
for r, g, b in pixels:
if (r in range(r_range[0], r_range[1]+1) and g in range(g_range[0], g_range[1]+1) and b in range(b_range[0], b_range[1]+1)):
return True
return False
def press_key(key, duration=0.010):
def colorful_text(text, color):
return f"{color}{text}{Style.RESET_ALL}"
def yazdir_with_interval(yazi, aralik_saniye):
for harf in yazi:
print(harf, end='', flush=True)
def create_color_menu():
while True:
print("Color Choice")
print("1 - Yellow")
print("2 - Red")
print("3 - Purple")
color_choice = input("Make your choice (1/2/3): ")
if color_choice == "1":
return "yellow"
elif color_choice == "2":
return "red"
elif color_choice == "3":
return "purple"
print("Try Again, Invaild Number")
red_text = colorful_text("Getting Ready ...", Fore.RED)
reder_text = colorful_text("Ready", Fore.RED)
green_text = colorful_text("Made by nitrogencfg", Fore.GREEN)
blue_text = colorful_text("Press Left Alt to activate", Fore.BLUE)
cyan_text = colorful_text("Bind 'J' key to fire", Fore.CYAN)
hazir_text = colorful_text("Balkans on top ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)", Fore.MAGENTA)
info_text = colorful_text("for questions =====>", Fore.MAGENTA)
saru_tex = colorful_text("Strafe protected trigger bot", Fore.YELLOW)
yazdir_with_interval(red_text, 0.05)
square_size = int(input("Input the square size in pixels:"))
except ValueError:
print("Invaild pixels, using default size (9px) ")
square_size = 9
width, height = square_size, square_size
selected_color = create_color_menu()
print(f"{selected_color.capitalize()} color is going to be searched.")
yazdir_with_interval(reder_text, 0.02)
yazdir_with_interval(hazir_text, 0.01)
yazdir_with_interval(info_text, 0.01)
def any_keys_pressed(keys_list):
return any(keyboard.is_pressed(key) for key in keys_list)
def beep(frequency, duration):
winsound.Beep(frequency, duration)
script_active = False
j_pressed_time = 0
while True:
if keyboard.is_pressed('left alt'):
while keyboard.is_pressed('left alt'):
script_active = not script_active
if script_active:
beep(400, 150)
beep(800, 150)
if script_active:
if keyboard.is_pressed('j') and j_pressed_time == 0:
j_pressed_time = time.time()
press_key('j', duration=0.328)
elif not keyboard.is_pressed('j'):
j_pressed_time = 0
current_time = time.time()
if current_time - j_pressed_time >= 0.24:
if not any_keys_pressed(['w', 'a', 's', 'd']):
ekran_genislik, ekran_yukseklik = pydirectinput.size()
orta_x = ekran_genislik // 2 - width // 2
orta_y = ekran_yukseklik // 2 - height // 2
if selected_color == "yellow":
r_range = (160, 255)
g_range = (140, 255)
b_range = (0, 55)
elif selected_color == "red":
r_range = (170, 255)
g_range = (0, 65)
b_range = (0, 40)
elif selected_color == "purple":
r_range = (140, 255)
g_range = (0, 125)
b_range = (140, 255)
else: # Mor renk varsayılan
r_range = (120, 253)
g_range = (1, 105)
b_range = (120, 253)
if is_renk_tonu(orta_x, orta_y, width, height, r_range, g_range, b_range):
random_delay = random.uniform(0.1, 0.3)
if any_keys_pressed(['w', 'a', 's', 'd']):
j_pressed_time = time.time()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
bisey sorabilirmiyim bu random delay sadece w a s d den el cekildinde calismasi lazim ancak normal cros koyma ve aninda vurmasini istedigimde onu nasil ayarlarim o sikinti varscriptin gerçekden güzel iyi düşünmüssün ama düşünmediğin bir nokta olmuş w a s d basılı değil ise ve hedefin üzerindeysen direk ateş atıyor haklısın ancak direk ateş ediyor sorun orda bir tepkime süresi olsa ve bu random bir değer olarak her seferinde farklı bi tepki verilse tamamen mükemmel olucak bunun için şöyle birşey düşündüm
import random
ile random kütüphanesini ekliyip0.1 ile 0.3 arası random bir delay süresi ekliyebilirizKod:random_delay = random.uniform(0.1, 0.3) time.sleep(random_delay) press_key('j')
kodun değiştirilmiş şekildeki tamamıpython dosyanızı auto-py-to-exe modülü ile rahatca exe formatını çevirip sonrasında themida ile şifreleyinKod:import pydirectinput import keyboard from PIL import ImageGrab from colorama import Fore, Style import time import winsound import random def is_renk_tonu(x, y, width, height, r_range, g_range, b_range): screenshot = ImageGrab.grab(bbox=(x, y, x + width, y + height)) pixels = screenshot.getdata() for r, g, b in pixels: if (r in range(r_range[0], r_range[1]+1) and g in range(g_range[0], g_range[1]+1) and b in range(b_range[0], b_range[1]+1)): return True return False def press_key(key, duration=0.010): pydirectinput.keyDown(key) time.sleep(duration) pydirectinput.keyUp(key) def colorful_text(text, color): return f"{color}{text}{Style.RESET_ALL}" def yazdir_with_interval(yazi, aralik_saniye): for harf in yazi: print(harf, end='', flush=True) time.sleep(aralik_saniye) def create_color_menu(): while True: print("Color Choice") print("1 - Yellow") print("2 - Red") print("3 - Purple") color_choice = input("Make your choice (1/2/3): ") if color_choice == "1": return "yellow" elif color_choice == "2": return "red" elif color_choice == "3": return "purple" else: print("Try Again, Invaild Number") red_text = colorful_text("Getting Ready ...", Fore.RED) reder_text = colorful_text("Ready", Fore.RED) green_text = colorful_text("Made by nitrogencfg", Fore.GREEN) blue_text = colorful_text("Press Left Alt to activate", Fore.BLUE) cyan_text = colorful_text("Bind 'J' key to fire", Fore.CYAN) hazir_text = colorful_text("Balkans on top ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)", Fore.MAGENTA) info_text = colorful_text("for questions =====>", Fore.MAGENTA) saru_tex = colorful_text("Strafe protected trigger bot", Fore.YELLOW) yazdir_with_interval(red_text, 0.05) print() try: square_size = int(input("Input the square size in pixels:")) except ValueError: print("Invaild pixels, using default size (9px) ") square_size = 9 width, height = square_size, square_size print() selected_color = create_color_menu() print() print(f"{selected_color.capitalize()} color is going to be searched.") print() yazdir_with_interval(reder_text, 0.02) print() print() print(green_text) print() print(blue_text) print() print(cyan_text) print() print(saru_tex) print() print() yazdir_with_interval(hazir_text, 0.01) print() yazdir_with_interval(info_text, 0.01) print() print() def any_keys_pressed(keys_list): return any(keyboard.is_pressed(key) for key in keys_list) def beep(frequency, duration): winsound.Beep(frequency, duration) script_active = False j_pressed_time = 0 try: while True: if keyboard.is_pressed('left alt'): while keyboard.is_pressed('left alt'): time.sleep(0.1) script_active = not script_active if script_active: print("Activated") beep(400, 150) else: print("Deactivated") beep(800, 150) if script_active: if keyboard.is_pressed('j') and j_pressed_time == 0: j_pressed_time = time.time() press_key('j', duration=0.328) elif not keyboard.is_pressed('j'): j_pressed_time = 0 current_time = time.time() if current_time - j_pressed_time >= 0.24: if not any_keys_pressed(['w', 'a', 's', 'd']): ekran_genislik, ekran_yukseklik = pydirectinput.size() orta_x = ekran_genislik // 2 - width // 2 orta_y = ekran_yukseklik // 2 - height // 2 if selected_color == "yellow": r_range = (160, 255) g_range = (140, 255) b_range = (0, 55) elif selected_color == "red": r_range = (170, 255) g_range = (0, 65) b_range = (0, 40) elif selected_color == "purple": r_range = (140, 255) g_range = (0, 125) b_range = (140, 255) else: # Mor renk varsayılan r_range = (120, 253) g_range = (1, 105) b_range = (120, 253) if is_renk_tonu(orta_x, orta_y, width, height, r_range, g_range, b_range): random_delay = random.uniform(0.1, 0.3) time.sleep(random_delay) press_key('j') else: if any_keys_pressed(['w', 'a', 's', 'd']): j_pressed_time = time.time() time.sleep(0.008) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Stopping")
bahsettigin sorunun cozumu suscriptin gerçekden güzel iyi düşünmüssün ama düşünmediğin bir nokta olmuş w a s d basılı değil ise ve hedefin üzerindeysen direk ateş atıyor haklısın ancak direk ateş ediyor sorun orda bir tepkime süresi olsa ve bu random bir değer olarak her seferinde farklı bi tepki verilse tamamen mükemmel olucak bunun için şöyle birşey düşündüm
import random
ile random kütüphanesini ekliyip0.1 ile 0.3 arası random bir delay süresi ekliyebilirizKod:random_delay = random.uniform(0.1, 0.3) time.sleep(random_delay) press_key('j')
kodun değiştirilmiş şekildeki tamamıpython dosyanızı auto-py-to-exe modülü ile rahatca exe formatını çevirip sonrasında themida ile şifreleyinKod:import pydirectinput import keyboard from PIL import ImageGrab from colorama import Fore, Style import time import winsound import random def is_renk_tonu(x, y, width, height, r_range, g_range, b_range): screenshot = ImageGrab.grab(bbox=(x, y, x + width, y + height)) pixels = screenshot.getdata() for r, g, b in pixels: if (r in range(r_range[0], r_range[1]+1) and g in range(g_range[0], g_range[1]+1) and b in range(b_range[0], b_range[1]+1)): return True return False def press_key(key, duration=0.010): pydirectinput.keyDown(key) time.sleep(duration) pydirectinput.keyUp(key) def colorful_text(text, color): return f"{color}{text}{Style.RESET_ALL}" def yazdir_with_interval(yazi, aralik_saniye): for harf in yazi: print(harf, end='', flush=True) time.sleep(aralik_saniye) def create_color_menu(): while True: print("Color Choice") print("1 - Yellow") print("2 - Red") print("3 - Purple") color_choice = input("Make your choice (1/2/3): ") if color_choice == "1": return "yellow" elif color_choice == "2": return "red" elif color_choice == "3": return "purple" else: print("Try Again, Invaild Number") red_text = colorful_text("Getting Ready ...", Fore.RED) reder_text = colorful_text("Ready", Fore.RED) green_text = colorful_text("Made by nitrogencfg", Fore.GREEN) blue_text = colorful_text("Press Left Alt to activate", Fore.BLUE) cyan_text = colorful_text("Bind 'J' key to fire", Fore.CYAN) hazir_text = colorful_text("Balkans on top ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)", Fore.MAGENTA) info_text = colorful_text("for questions =====>", Fore.MAGENTA) saru_tex = colorful_text("Strafe protected trigger bot", Fore.YELLOW) yazdir_with_interval(red_text, 0.05) print() try: square_size = int(input("Input the square size in pixels:")) except ValueError: print("Invaild pixels, using default size (9px) ") square_size = 9 width, height = square_size, square_size print() selected_color = create_color_menu() print() print(f"{selected_color.capitalize()} color is going to be searched.") print() yazdir_with_interval(reder_text, 0.02) print() print() print(green_text) print() print(blue_text) print() print(cyan_text) print() print(saru_tex) print() print() yazdir_with_interval(hazir_text, 0.01) print() yazdir_with_interval(info_text, 0.01) print() print() def any_keys_pressed(keys_list): return any(keyboard.is_pressed(key) for key in keys_list) def beep(frequency, duration): winsound.Beep(frequency, duration) script_active = False j_pressed_time = 0 try: while True: if keyboard.is_pressed('left alt'): while keyboard.is_pressed('left alt'): time.sleep(0.1) script_active = not script_active if script_active: print("Activated") beep(400, 150) else: print("Deactivated") beep(800, 150) if script_active: if keyboard.is_pressed('j') and j_pressed_time == 0: j_pressed_time = time.time() press_key('j', duration=0.328) elif not keyboard.is_pressed('j'): j_pressed_time = 0 current_time = time.time() if current_time - j_pressed_time >= 0.24: if not any_keys_pressed(['w', 'a', 's', 'd']): ekran_genislik, ekran_yukseklik = pydirectinput.size() orta_x = ekran_genislik // 2 - width // 2 orta_y = ekran_yukseklik // 2 - height // 2 if selected_color == "yellow": r_range = (160, 255) g_range = (140, 255) b_range = (0, 55) elif selected_color == "red": r_range = (170, 255) g_range = (0, 65) b_range = (0, 40) elif selected_color == "purple": r_range = (140, 255) g_range = (0, 125) b_range = (140, 255) else: # Mor renk varsayılan r_range = (120, 253) g_range = (1, 105) b_range = (120, 253) if is_renk_tonu(orta_x, orta_y, width, height, r_range, g_range, b_range): random_delay = random.uniform(0.1, 0.3) time.sleep(random_delay) press_key('j') else: if any_keys_pressed(['w', 'a', 's', 'd']): j_pressed_time = time.time() time.sleep(0.008) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Stopping")
la her konuya aynı şeyi yazıp durma beEline sağlık kral
Seni yaylandırırlar merak etmeSanane kardeşim batıyosa yaylan