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Durum : 22.03.2022 Undetected
Erişim Rank (Access Rank) : +GOLD ÜYE
Desteklenen (Support) : All WolfTu Server
WolfTu Global VIP Hack | UI Page
CheatGlobal Loader Download
If you're having problems, you should install it.
Sorun yaşıyorsanız bunu kurmalısınız.
Vscredict AIO Run Times Download
FeaturesPlayer Settings:
Team Kill = Allows you to kill your own teammates.
Instant Respawn = Your player will respawn directly without needed to wait.
Respawn Where Died = Respawns your player where it died.
God Mode = You will never die or will receive any damage caused by other players even if the player use kill one hit.
Hide Identity = Hide your identity when you make a kill (that replace your name by random player in your room).
Axis Hack = Move your camera under local player.
Ghost Master = Make you invisible from the eyes of other players.
Change Base = Make you respawn at the base of your ennemys.
UnderGround = Moves your camera down the map depending on how long you will hold the "CTRL" key.
Kill YourSelf = Make your player suicide instantly.
Anti Map Out Death = Prevent die when pass map broders.
Unlimited Revive IceHold = You will be able to revive other players in the Ice Hold mode without any limitation !
No Clip: You can walk & fly through the wall
Jump Hack = Your player jump super high.
Speed Hack = Boosts your movement speed.
No Fall Damage = You will never receive any damage when you fall from high places.
Powerfull Bomb = If you throw your bombs at the ground, it will return more powerful and fast.
No Suicidal Explosion = You will be never die again with your bomb.
Show All Players Infos = Show you all infos about the players (Weapons or wolf used by all users in real time, score, name etc..).
Freeze All Players = Once enabled all players will be freezed in the map.
Shot To Restore HP = Your HP will increase everytime you hit a player.
Movement Speed = Increase your movement speed.
Power Master Room = Give you the power of master room (can press G in game for change weapons).
Weapon Settings:
Always Headshot = All of your kills will be recorded as a headshot kill as well as a real headshot damage.
No Recoil = Removes the recoil of your weapon.
No Spread = Removes the spread of your bullets.
Infinite Ammo = Gives you unlimited ammo.
No Reload = Your ammo will never end, you don't even need to reload !
Rapid Fire = Your bullets shot very fast.
Remote Kill = All your bullets will go automatically to players in the map!
Kill One Hit = You can kill any players with 1 hit even if the person has 99999999999 HP (with any type of weapon & wolf).
No Weapon Sway = Removes your weapon's sway, making your movement smoother.
No Weapon WP = The game doesn't check for you SP anymore so you can use any weapons in the first game like in green room.
Wall Shot = You will be able to kill people behind the walls.
AB3G Ex Bomb = Give you the ab-3g ex-item.
Sticky Bomb = All your bombs will be sticky like at-3g.
Remote Defuse Bomb = Allow you to defuse bomb from anywhere in the map in destruction mode.
Misc Settings:
Perfect MS = All player will have 0 ms so you will never get kick when a user lag in your room.
Anti Chat Ban = You will never be chat-banned again !
Swear Hack = Allow you to write a bad & forbidden word.
Visuals Settings:
Chams Color = Converts all the players in-game to the color you want.
Remove Walls = Transforms the wall into transparent.
Fog Color = Removes fog in some maps (which actually gives a performance boost).
Room Color = Change Color of rooms
X-Ray Color = Change Color of X-Ray Vision
Black Weather = Change Weather to Black color
Map Settings:
Change Map = Can change the map and play on it with other players!
Teleport Settings:
Save/Load position = You can save your position where you want & load it!
Inventory Settings:
Inventory Hack = Gives you a lot of weapons!
Hile aeria, jaygame ve arabic sunucularında çalışmaktadır. Yani neredeyse tüm Wolftü
serverlerinde çalışıyor. Hilede envanter, godmode, og modu, silah hilesi, kurt hilesi, karakter hilesi
gibi bir çok özellik bulunmaktadır. Tüm windows sürümlerinde çalışıyor ve sorunsuzdur.
Hileyi açarken yalnızca cheatglobal yazmanız yeterlidir aksi halde çalışmayacaktır.
Nasıl Kullanılır?
1. Bu sayfaya gelip CheatGlobal Loader'i indirip yönetici olarak aç.
2. Bu sayfaya gelip hileyi çalıştır butonuna basın ve inene kadar bekleyin.
3. Hile açıldıktan sonra cheatglobal yazıp login butonuna basın.
4. Waiting wolftu.bin yazısı geldikten sonra oyuna girebilirsiniz.
5. Oyuna girince INSER ile menüyü açabilir ve hile ayarlarını yapabilirsiniz.
It works on cheat aeria, jaygame and arabic servers. So almost all the
running on their servers. Inventory in cheat, godmode, og mode, weapon cheat, wolf cheat, character cheat
There are many features such as It works on all windows versions and is flawless.
When opening the cheat, you only need to type cheatglobal, otherwise it will not work.
How to Use?
1. Go to this page and download CheatGlobal Loader and open it as administrator.
2. Come to this page, press the run cheat button and wait until it downloads.
3. After the cheat is open, type cheatglobal and press the login button.
4. After the Waiting wolftu.bin text appears, you can enter the game.
5. When you enter the game, you can open the menu with INSERT and adjust the cheat settings.
CheatGlobal Loader Nasıl Kullanılır
How To Use CheatGlobal Loader
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Durum : 22.03.2022 Undetected
Erişim Rank (Access Rank) : +GOLD ÜYE
Desteklenen (Support) : All WolfTu Server
WolfTu Global VIP Hack | UI Page
CheatGlobal Loader Download
If you're having problems, you should install it.
Sorun yaşıyorsanız bunu kurmalısınız.
Vscredict AIO Run Times Download
FeaturesPlayer Settings:
Team Kill = Allows you to kill your own teammates.
Instant Respawn = Your player will respawn directly without needed to wait.
Respawn Where Died = Respawns your player where it died.
God Mode = You will never die or will receive any damage caused by other players even if the player use kill one hit.
Hide Identity = Hide your identity when you make a kill (that replace your name by random player in your room).
Axis Hack = Move your camera under local player.
Ghost Master = Make you invisible from the eyes of other players.
Change Base = Make you respawn at the base of your ennemys.
UnderGround = Moves your camera down the map depending on how long you will hold the "CTRL" key.
Kill YourSelf = Make your player suicide instantly.
Anti Map Out Death = Prevent die when pass map broders.
Unlimited Revive IceHold = You will be able to revive other players in the Ice Hold mode without any limitation !
No Clip: You can walk & fly through the wall
Jump Hack = Your player jump super high.
Speed Hack = Boosts your movement speed.
No Fall Damage = You will never receive any damage when you fall from high places.
Powerfull Bomb = If you throw your bombs at the ground, it will return more powerful and fast.
No Suicidal Explosion = You will be never die again with your bomb.
Show All Players Infos = Show you all infos about the players (Weapons or wolf used by all users in real time, score, name etc..).
Freeze All Players = Once enabled all players will be freezed in the map.
Shot To Restore HP = Your HP will increase everytime you hit a player.
Movement Speed = Increase your movement speed.
Power Master Room = Give you the power of master room (can press G in game for change weapons).
Weapon Settings:
Always Headshot = All of your kills will be recorded as a headshot kill as well as a real headshot damage.
No Recoil = Removes the recoil of your weapon.
No Spread = Removes the spread of your bullets.
Infinite Ammo = Gives you unlimited ammo.
No Reload = Your ammo will never end, you don't even need to reload !
Rapid Fire = Your bullets shot very fast.
Remote Kill = All your bullets will go automatically to players in the map!
Kill One Hit = You can kill any players with 1 hit even if the person has 99999999999 HP (with any type of weapon & wolf).
No Weapon Sway = Removes your weapon's sway, making your movement smoother.
No Weapon WP = The game doesn't check for you SP anymore so you can use any weapons in the first game like in green room.
Wall Shot = You will be able to kill people behind the walls.
AB3G Ex Bomb = Give you the ab-3g ex-item.
Sticky Bomb = All your bombs will be sticky like at-3g.
Remote Defuse Bomb = Allow you to defuse bomb from anywhere in the map in destruction mode.
Misc Settings:
Perfect MS = All player will have 0 ms so you will never get kick when a user lag in your room.
Anti Chat Ban = You will never be chat-banned again !
Swear Hack = Allow you to write a bad & forbidden word.
Visuals Settings:
Chams Color = Converts all the players in-game to the color you want.
Remove Walls = Transforms the wall into transparent.
Fog Color = Removes fog in some maps (which actually gives a performance boost).
Room Color = Change Color of rooms
X-Ray Color = Change Color of X-Ray Vision
Black Weather = Change Weather to Black color
Map Settings:
Change Map = Can change the map and play on it with other players!
Teleport Settings:
Save/Load position = You can save your position where you want & load it!
Inventory Settings:
Inventory Hack = Gives you a lot of weapons!
Hile aeria, jaygame ve arabic sunucularında çalışmaktadır. Yani neredeyse tüm Wolftü
serverlerinde çalışıyor. Hilede envanter, godmode, og modu, silah hilesi, kurt hilesi, karakter hilesi
gibi bir çok özellik bulunmaktadır. Tüm windows sürümlerinde çalışıyor ve sorunsuzdur.
Hileyi açarken yalnızca cheatglobal yazmanız yeterlidir aksi halde çalışmayacaktır.
Nasıl Kullanılır?
1. Bu sayfaya gelip CheatGlobal Loader'i indirip yönetici olarak aç.
2. Bu sayfaya gelip hileyi çalıştır butonuna basın ve inene kadar bekleyin.
3. Hile açıldıktan sonra cheatglobal yazıp login butonuna basın.
4. Waiting wolftu.bin yazısı geldikten sonra oyuna girebilirsiniz.
5. Oyuna girince INSER ile menüyü açabilir ve hile ayarlarını yapabilirsiniz.
It works on cheat aeria, jaygame and arabic servers. So almost all the
running on their servers. Inventory in cheat, godmode, og mode, weapon cheat, wolf cheat, character cheat
There are many features such as It works on all windows versions and is flawless.
When opening the cheat, you only need to type cheatglobal, otherwise it will not work.
How to Use?
1. Go to this page and download CheatGlobal Loader and open it as administrator.
2. Come to this page, press the run cheat button and wait until it downloads.
3. After the cheat is open, type cheatglobal and press the login button.
4. After the Waiting wolftu.bin text appears, you can enter the game.
5. When you enter the game, you can open the menu with INSERT and adjust the cheat settings.
CheatGlobal Loader Nasıl Kullanılır
How To Use CheatGlobal Loader
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