Please name your favorite champions

I think the really good choice is that her mid lane irelia is really good
Usta script ile oynuyorsak şayet ezrael - syndra - xayah - zigs fenaaa 🥰
Samira, Ezreal, Morgana, Syndra, Yone, Ezreal, Jhin, Kled, Rengar
There are some names worth mentioning such as shydra, jinx, youn, yasua
Udyr and Ezreal
Those two are what I play the most
Twitch ,kog maw and Draven , they are a such good champions
xreath eğer script varsa
yoksa midde zed
solo da aatrox
jungle lee sin
adc jhin
sup leona
akali, irelia and vayne the champions with mechaniks are the best

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