Valorant Offsets


Silver Üye
28 Ara 2024
pub const FNAME_DECRYPTION_PTR: u64 = 0x0; // Guarded phys > fname decryption ptr
pub const FNAME_POOL: u64 = 0xA7B6780; // Game module base > fname pool (48 8D 1D ? ? ? ? EB 16)
pub const UWORLD: u64 = 0x60; // Guarded phys > uworld
// World
pub const PERSISTENT_LEVEL: u64 = 0x38; // world > persistent_level // ULevel* PersistentLevel;
pub const GAME_INSTANCE: u64 = 0x1A0; // world > game_instance // UGameInstance* OwningGameInstance;
pub const GAME_MODE: u64 = 0x138; // world > game_mode // AGameModeBase* AuthorityGameMode;
pub const GAME_STATE: u64 = 0x140; // world > game_state // AGameStateBase* GameState;
// Game mode
//pub const MATCH_STATE: u64 = 0x420; // world > game_mode > match_state
// Game state
pub const GAME_PHASE: u64 = 0x0B10; // world > game_state > EAresGamePhase; // EAresGamePhase Phase;
pub const MAP_LOAD_MODEL: u64 = 0x240 + 0x0270; // world > game_state > FAllInitSystems > UMapLoadModel* MapLoadModel; // 0x0218 (0x0008)
pub const MAP_NAME: u64 = 0x58; // world > game_state > UMapLoadModel > MapName
pub const CLIENT_GAME_INSTANCE : u64 = 0x6a0; // world > game_state > UAresClientGameInstance* ClientGameInstance;
// Player
pub const LOCAL_PLAYER_ARRAY: u64 = 0x40; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array
pub const LOCAL_PLAYER: u64 = 0x40; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0]
pub const PLAYER_CONTROLLER: u64 = 0x38; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller
pub const VIEWPORT_CLIENT: u64 = 0x78; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller -> UGameViewportClient*
pub const VIEWPORT: u64 = 0xf0; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller -> UGameViewportClient* -> FViewport*
pub const SCREEN_RES: u64 = 0xb0; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller -> FViewport* -> UVec2
pub const CAMERA_CONTROLLER: u64 = 0x0448; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller > cameracontroller //? is this ControlRotation
pub const CAMERA_MANAGER: u64 = 0x460; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller > APlayerCameraManager* PlayerCameraManager
pub const CAMERA_INFO: u64 = 0x1f80 + 0x10; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller > cameramanager > FCameraCacheEntry CameraCachePrivate;
pub const DAMAGE_HANDLER: u64 = 0x09E8; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller > UDamageableComponent* DamageHandler; (class AShooterCharacter)
pub const HEALTH: u64 = 0x1B0; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller > damagehandler > health // struct FHealthValue CachedLife[0x3]; // 0x1b0(0x18))
pub const ALIVE: u64 = 0x01A9; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller > damagehandler > ALIVE
pub const APAWN: u64 = 0x448; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller > APawn* AcknowledgedPawn;
pub const PLAYER_INVENTORY: u64 = 0x0988; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller > apawn > UAresInventory* Inventory;
// Level > Actors
pub const ACTOR_ARRAY: u64 = 0xA0 ; // world > persistent_level > actor_array
pub const ACTOR_COUNT: u64 = ACTOR_ARRAY + 0x8; // world > persistent_level > actor_count
//pub const ACTOR_ARRAY: u64 = 0xA0; // world > persistent_level > actor_array
//pub const ACTOR_COUNT: u64 = 0xB8; // world > persistent_level > actor_count
// Vectors
pub const ROOT_COMPONENT: u64 = 0x0238; // world > game_instance > localplayers_array[0] > playercontroller > apawn > USceneComponent* RootComponent;
pub const ROOT_POSITION: u64 = 0x164; // world > game_instance > localplayers_array[0] > playercontroller > apawn > root_component > FVector RelativeLocation;
pub const ROOT_ROTATION: u64 = 0x0170; // world > game_instance > localplayers_array[0] > playercontroller > apawn > root_component > FVector RelativeRotation;
// Actor > Actor data
pub const ACTOR_ID: u64 = 0x18;
pub const UNIQUE_ID: u64 = 0x38;
pub const IS_DORMANT: u64 = 0x100;
pub const MESH: u64 = 0x418; // USkeletalMeshComponent* Mesh; (class ACharacter : public APawn)
pub const SKELETAL_MESH: u64 = 0x598; // mesh > USkeletalMesh* SkeletalMesh;
pub const PLAYER_STATE: u64 = 0x3d8; // APlayerState* PlayerState; (class APawn : public AActor)
// ? Theres another one in class AController : public AActor at 0x03e0
pub const TEAM_COMPONENT: u64 = 0x0610; // player_state > UBaseTeamComponent* TeamComponent;
pub const TEAM_ID: u64 = 0xF8; // team_component > team_id
pub const CURRENT_WEAPON: u64 = 0x0248; // actor > actor_inventory (UAresInventory) > AAresEquippable* CurrentEquippable;
pub const PLAYER_VELOCITY: u64 = 0x188; // actor > root(USceneComponent) > c
// Actor > Actor data > Mesh
pub const COMPONENT_TO_WORLD: u64 = 0x250;
pub const BONE_ARRAY: u64 = 0x5C8;
pub const BONE_COUNT: u64 = 0x5E0;
pub const FNAME_DECRYPTION_PTR: u64 = 0x0; // Guarded phys > fname decryption ptr
pub const FNAME_POOL: u64 = 0xA7B6780; // Game module base > fname pool (48 8D 1D ? ? ? ? EB 16)
pub const UWORLD: u64 = 0x60; // Guarded phys > uworld
// World
pub const PERSISTENT_LEVEL: u64 = 0x38; // world > persistent_level // ULevel* PersistentLevel;
pub const GAME_INSTANCE: u64 = 0x1A0; // world > game_instance // UGameInstance* OwningGameInstance;
pub const GAME_MODE: u64 = 0x138; // world > game_mode // AGameModeBase* AuthorityGameMode;
pub const GAME_STATE: u64 = 0x140; // world > game_state // AGameStateBase* GameState;
// Game mode
//pub const MATCH_STATE: u64 = 0x420; // world > game_mode > match_state
// Game state
pub const GAME_PHASE: u64 = 0x0B10; // world > game_state > EAresGamePhase; // EAresGamePhase Phase;
pub const MAP_LOAD_MODEL: u64 = 0x240 + 0x0270; // world > game_state > FAllInitSystems > UMapLoadModel* MapLoadModel; // 0x0218 (0x0008)
pub const MAP_NAME: u64 = 0x58; // world > game_state > UMapLoadModel > MapName
pub const CLIENT_GAME_INSTANCE : u64 = 0x6a0; // world > game_state > UAresClientGameInstance* ClientGameInstance;
// Player
pub const LOCAL_PLAYER_ARRAY: u64 = 0x40; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array
pub const LOCAL_PLAYER: u64 = 0x40; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0]
pub const PLAYER_CONTROLLER: u64 = 0x38; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller
pub const VIEWPORT_CLIENT: u64 = 0x78; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller -> UGameViewportClient*
pub const VIEWPORT: u64 = 0xf0; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller -> UGameViewportClient* -> FViewport*
pub const SCREEN_RES: u64 = 0xb0; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller -> FViewport* -> UVec2
pub const CAMERA_CONTROLLER: u64 = 0x0448; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller > cameracontroller //? is this ControlRotation
pub const CAMERA_MANAGER: u64 = 0x460; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller > APlayerCameraManager* PlayerCameraManager
pub const CAMERA_INFO: u64 = 0x1f80 + 0x10; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller > cameramanager > FCameraCacheEntry CameraCachePrivate;
pub const DAMAGE_HANDLER: u64 = 0x09E8; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller > UDamageableComponent* DamageHandler; (class AShooterCharacter)
pub const HEALTH: u64 = 0x1B0; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller > damagehandler > health // struct FHealthValue CachedLife[0x3]; // 0x1b0(0x18))
pub const ALIVE: u64 = 0x01A9; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller > damagehandler > ALIVE
pub const APAWN: u64 = 0x448; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller > APawn* AcknowledgedPawn;
pub const PLAYER_INVENTORY: u64 = 0x0988; // world > game_instance > localplayer_array[0] > playercontroller > apawn > UAresInventory* Inventory;
// Level > Actors
pub const ACTOR_ARRAY: u64 = 0xA0 ; // world > persistent_level > actor_array
pub const ACTOR_COUNT: u64 = ACTOR_ARRAY + 0x8; // world > persistent_level > actor_count
//pub const ACTOR_ARRAY: u64 = 0xA0; // world > persistent_level > actor_array
//pub const ACTOR_COUNT: u64 = 0xB8; // world > persistent_level > actor_count
// Vectors
pub const ROOT_COMPONENT: u64 = 0x0238; // world > game_instance > localplayers_array[0] > playercontroller > apawn > USceneComponent* RootComponent;
pub const ROOT_POSITION: u64 = 0x164; // world > game_instance > localplayers_array[0] > playercontroller > apawn > root_component > FVector RelativeLocation;
pub const ROOT_ROTATION: u64 = 0x0170; // world > game_instance > localplayers_array[0] > playercontroller > apawn > root_component > FVector RelativeRotation;
// Actor > Actor data
pub const ACTOR_ID: u64 = 0x18;
pub const UNIQUE_ID: u64 = 0x38;
pub const IS_DORMANT: u64 = 0x100;
pub const MESH: u64 = 0x418; // USkeletalMeshComponent* Mesh; (class ACharacter : public APawn)
pub const SKELETAL_MESH: u64 = 0x598; // mesh > USkeletalMesh* SkeletalMesh;
pub const PLAYER_STATE: u64 = 0x3d8; // APlayerState* PlayerState; (class APawn : public AActor)
// ? Theres another one in class AController : public AActor at 0x03e0
pub const TEAM_COMPONENT: u64 = 0x0610; // player_state > UBaseTeamComponent* TeamComponent;
pub const TEAM_ID: u64 = 0xF8; // team_component > team_id
pub const CURRENT_WEAPON: u64 = 0x0248; // actor > actor_inventory (UAresInventory) > AAresEquippable* CurrentEquippable;
pub const PLAYER_VELOCITY: u64 = 0x188; // actor > root(USceneComponent) > c
// Actor > Actor data > Mesh
pub const COMPONENT_TO_WORLD: u64 = 0x250;
pub const BONE_ARRAY: u64 = 0x5C8;
pub const BONE_COUNT: u64 = 0x5E0;
gpt'ye yaptırdım bilmediğim için soruyorum vanguard bypass sonrası bu kod işler mi aimbot için

// Pseudo-code for Aimbot
#include <windows.h>
#include <cmath>

// Game-related offsets
const DWORD_PTR UWORLD = 0x60;

// Function to calculate aim angle
Vector3 CalculateAimAngle(Vector3 localPosition, Vector3 targetPosition) {
    Vector3 delta = targetPosition - localPosition;
    float hypotenuse = sqrt(delta.x * delta.x + delta.y * delta.y + delta.z * delta.z);
    Vector3 angles;
    angles.x = -atan2(delta.z, hypotenuse) * (180 / M_PI);
    angles.y = atan2(delta.y, delta.x) * (180 / M_PI);
    angles.z = 0;
    return angles;

// Main function
void Aimbot() {
    DWORD_PTR gameBase = GetModuleBaseAddress("Valorant.exe");
    DWORD_PTR uWorld = *(DWORD_PTR*)(gameBase + UWORLD);
    DWORD_PTR localPlayer = *(DWORD_PTR*)(uWorld + LOCAL_PLAYER);
    DWORD_PTR playerController = *(DWORD_PTR*)(localPlayer + PLAYER_CONTROLLER);
    DWORD_PTR cameraManager = *(DWORD_PTR*)(playerController + CAMERA_MANAGER);

    Vector3 localPosition = ReadVector3(cameraManager + CAMERA_INFO);
    Vector3 enemyPosition = ReadVector3(enemyRootComponent + ROOT_POSITION);

    Vector3 aimAngles = CalculateAimAngle(localPosition, enemyPosition);
    WriteMemory(playerController + CAMERA_CONTROLLER, aimAngles);
gpt'ye yaptırdım bilmediğim için soruyorum vanguard bypass sonrası bu kod işler mi aimbot için

// Pseudo-code for Aimbot
#include <windows.h>
#include <cmath>

// Game-related offsets
const DWORD_PTR UWORLD = 0x60;

// Function to calculate aim angle
Vector3 CalculateAimAngle(Vector3 localPosition, Vector3 targetPosition) {
    Vector3 delta = targetPosition - localPosition;
    float hypotenuse = sqrt(delta.x * delta.x + delta.y * delta.y + delta.z * delta.z);
    Vector3 angles;
    angles.x = -atan2(delta.z, hypotenuse) * (180 / M_PI);
    angles.y = atan2(delta.y, delta.x) * (180 / M_PI);
    angles.z = 0;
    return angles;

// Main function
void Aimbot() {
    DWORD_PTR gameBase = GetModuleBaseAddress("Valorant.exe");
    DWORD_PTR uWorld = *(DWORD_PTR*)(gameBase + UWORLD);
    DWORD_PTR localPlayer = *(DWORD_PTR*)(uWorld + LOCAL_PLAYER);
    DWORD_PTR playerController = *(DWORD_PTR*)(localPlayer + PLAYER_CONTROLLER);
    DWORD_PTR cameraManager = *(DWORD_PTR*)(playerController + CAMERA_MANAGER);

    Vector3 localPosition = ReadVector3(cameraManager + CAMERA_INFO);
    Vector3 enemyPosition = ReadVector3(enemyRootComponent + ROOT_POSITION);

    Vector3 aimAngles = CalculateAimAngle(localPosition, enemyPosition);
    WriteMemory(playerController + CAMERA_CONTROLLER, aimAngles);
fly hack da yazdırsana aga
gpt'ye yaptırdım bilmediğim için soruyorum vanguard bypass sonrası bu kod işler mi aimbot için

// Pseudo-code for Aimbot
#include <windows.h>
#include <cmath>

// Game-related offsets
const DWORD_PTR UWORLD = 0x60;

// Function to calculate aim angle
Vector3 CalculateAimAngle(Vector3 localPosition, Vector3 targetPosition) {
    Vector3 delta = targetPosition - localPosition;
    float hypotenuse = sqrt(delta.x * delta.x + delta.y * delta.y + delta.z * delta.z);
    Vector3 angles;
    angles.x = -atan2(delta.z, hypotenuse) * (180 / M_PI);
    angles.y = atan2(delta.y, delta.x) * (180 / M_PI);
    angles.z = 0;
    return angles;

// Main function
void Aimbot() {
    DWORD_PTR gameBase = GetModuleBaseAddress("Valorant.exe");
    DWORD_PTR uWorld = *(DWORD_PTR*)(gameBase + UWORLD);
    DWORD_PTR localPlayer = *(DWORD_PTR*)(uWorld + LOCAL_PLAYER);
    DWORD_PTR playerController = *(DWORD_PTR*)(localPlayer + PLAYER_CONTROLLER);
    DWORD_PTR cameraManager = *(DWORD_PTR*)(playerController + CAMERA_MANAGER);

    Vector3 localPosition = ReadVector3(cameraManager + CAMERA_INFO);
    Vector3 enemyPosition = ReadVector3(enemyRootComponent + ROOT_POSITION);

    Vector3 aimAngles = CalculateAimAngle(localPosition, enemyPosition);
    WriteMemory(playerController + CAMERA_CONTROLLER, aimAngles);
gpt ile çok takılma yaramıyor
gpt'ye yaptırdım bilmediğim için soruyorum vanguard bypass sonrası bu kod işler mi aimbot için

// Pseudo-code for Aimbot
#include <windows.h>
#include <cmath>

// Game-related offsets
const DWORD_PTR UWORLD = 0x60;

// Function to calculate aim angle
Vector3 CalculateAimAngle(Vector3 localPosition, Vector3 targetPosition) {
    Vector3 delta = targetPosition - localPosition;
    float hypotenuse = sqrt(delta.x * delta.x + delta.y * delta.y + delta.z * delta.z);
    Vector3 angles;
    angles.x = -atan2(delta.z, hypotenuse) * (180 / M_PI);
    angles.y = atan2(delta.y, delta.x) * (180 / M_PI);
    angles.z = 0;
    return angles;

// Main function
void Aimbot() {
    DWORD_PTR gameBase = GetModuleBaseAddress("Valorant.exe");
    DWORD_PTR uWorld = *(DWORD_PTR*)(gameBase + UWORLD);
    DWORD_PTR localPlayer = *(DWORD_PTR*)(uWorld + LOCAL_PLAYER);
    DWORD_PTR playerController = *(DWORD_PTR*)(localPlayer + PLAYER_CONTROLLER);
    DWORD_PTR cameraManager = *(DWORD_PTR*)(playerController + CAMERA_MANAGER);

    Vector3 localPosition = ReadVector3(cameraManager + CAMERA_INFO);
    Vector3 enemyPosition = ReadVector3(enemyRootComponent + ROOT_POSITION);

    Vector3 aimAngles = CalculateAimAngle(localPosition, enemyPosition);
    WriteMemory(playerController + CAMERA_CONTROLLER, aimAngles);
Youtube de Swedz C# diye biri var onu 3/4 videoluk serisi var 2 video da offsest çıkarıyor sonra da kodlama onu izlersen yapabilirsin

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