Valorant Hilesi Terimleri

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Silver Üye
4 Şub 2021
Dostlar hangi terim neye yarıyor ona dair bir yazı buldum ve paylaşmak istedim . Umarım yararınıza olur . Translate den kolaylıkla çevirip anlayabilirsiniz . Bazı ipuçları vermek istiyorum . Yazıcaklarım 1200 DPI mouse ve oyun içi 1,3 sensivity ile gerçekleşmektedir.
1. Field Of Wiev kısmındaki 2 ayarımızı da en yükseğe çekmenizi önermem ben 77 ye 72 kullanıyorum .
2. Her yerde belirtildiği gibi oyun içi vurgu ayarınızı mor yapın ve hile menüsünde Color bölümünden mora tıklayın .
3. Spray kısmını tamamen kendinize göre ayarlayın . Şunu da unutmayın ki oyunu program oynamıyor . Bazen spraye destek atmanız hafif mouseyi aşağıya çekmeniz gerekebiliyor .
4. Assistance kısmında sağda bulunan bölümde X kordinatını 0 da bırakırsanız daha iyi olur aşağıda da belirtiliyor zaten ayrıca Y kordinatını da biraz düşürmenizi tavsiye ederim .

Son olarak kendi ayarlarımı paylaşayım ;
1200 DPI
1,3 Sensivity in game
X,Y Axis Speed 73 e 52
Enable Spray Halper -- Spray Rate 19 - Spray Offset 30
Field Of Wiev 77 ye 72
Colors 45-60-0 ve renk mor

All settings and how to use them properly!

Assistance Tab:
X Axis Speed: Determines your speed on the x-axis. You can increase it to get faster aiming.
Y Axis Speed: Determines your speed on the y-axis. You don't have to increase it too much just leave it between 45-55.

X Axis Vector: Determines your positioning on the x-axis. You can leave it on 0.
Y Axis Vector: Determines your positioning on the y-axis. Lower value means aim higher, Higher value means aim lower.

Spray Tab:
Enable Spray Helper: It's ON/OFF indicator for recoil helper.
Spray Rate: Determines your recoil speed. Higher value means faster pull down.
Spray Offset: Determines your recoil offset. Higher value means pull down more.

Field Of View Tab:
X Axis Dimension: Determines your scanning area from the center on the x-axis.
Y Axis Dimension: Determines your scanning area from the center on the y-axis.

Colors Tab:
Color Variation: Determines your color variation. Lower value means low variation against target color, Higher value means high variation against target color.
Color Size: Determines your color size in bitmap. You don't need to change it, leave it 60.
Color Count: Determines how much pixel you're gonna catch from screen per scan. You can leave it between 0-1.

Red Button: Determines which color is gonna search from the screen. If your enemy outlines are red, just press this button.
Yellow Button: Determines which color is gonna search from the screen. If your enemy outlines are yellow, just press this button.
Purple Button: Determines which color is gonna search from the screen. If your enemy outlines are purple, just press this button.(düzenlendi)

Note: Best color is purple to use with our cheat for now. We are gonna update the other colors in future.

Settings Tab:
Fire Key: Determines which key is activate your aim assistance.
Enable Key: Which key is enable the cheat.

Config Name: Determines your config name.
Create: Creates config with your current settings.
Delete: Deletes selected config from the program.
Update: Updates selected config with your current settings.
Refresh Icon: Refreshes your config list.
Folder Icon: Opens your config folder in file explorer.

High-End PC Config: Loads our recommended settings for High-End PC's to you.
Low-End PC Config: Loads our recommended settings for Low-End PC's to you.

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