Çözüldü tiktok username gelse artık

Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...


Uzman Üye
7 Tem 2024
merhaba bir ara tiktok username vardı istediğin ick alıyodun oana noldu yada fix mi yedi tekrar gelrim aicaba

# coding:utf-8
import hashlib
import json
from time import time
from hashlib import md5
from copy import deepcopy
from random import choice
import requests
import hashlib
import random
from urllib.parse import quote

# coding:utf-8
import binascii
import hashlib
import json
from time import time
from hashlib import md5
from copy import deepcopy
from random import choice

def hex_string(num):
tmp_string = hex(num)[2:]
if len(tmp_string) < 2:
tmp_string = '0' + tmp_string
return tmp_string

def RBIT(num):
result = ''
tmp_string = bin(num)[2:]
while len(tmp_string) < 8:
tmp_string = '0' + tmp_string
for i in range(0, 8):
result = result + tmp_string[7 - i]
return int(result, 2)

def file_data(path):
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
result = f.read()
return result

def reverse(num):
tmp_string = hex(num)[2:]
if len(tmp_string) < 2:
tmp_string = '0' + tmp_string
return int(tmp_string[1:] + tmp_string[:1], 16)

class XG:
def __init__(self, debug):
self.length = 0x14
self.debug = debug
self.hex_CE0 = [0x05, 0x00, 0x50, choice(range(0, 0xFF)), 0x47, 0x1e, 0x00, choice(range(0, 0xFF)) & 0xf0]

def addr_BA8(self):
tmp = ''
hex_BA8 = []
for i in range(0x0, 0x100):
for i in range(0, 0x100):
if i == 0:
A = 0
elif tmp:
A = tmp
A = hex_BA8[i - 1]
B = self.hex_CE0[i % 0x8]
if A == 0x05:
if i != 1:
if tmp != 0x05:
A = 0
C = A + i + B
while C >= 0x100:
C = C - 0x100
if C < i:
tmp = C
tmp = ''
D = hex_BA8[C]
hex_BA8 = D
return hex_BA8

def initial(self, debug, hex_BA8):
tmp_add = []
tmp_hex = deepcopy(hex_BA8)
for i in range(self.length):
A = debug
if not tmp_add:
B = 0
B = tmp_add[-1]
C = hex_BA8[i + 1] + B
while C >= 0x100:
C = C - 0x100
D = tmp_hex[C]
tmp_hex[i + 1] = D
E = D + D
while E >= 0x100:
E = E - 0x100
F = tmp_hex[E]
G = A ^ F
debug = G
return debug

def calculate(self, debug):
for i in range(self.length):
A = debug
B = reverse(A)
C = debug[(i + 1) % self.length]
D = B ^ C
F = E ^ self.length
G = ~F
while G < 0:
G += 0x100000000
H = int(hex(G)[-2:], 16)
debug = H
return debug

def main(self):
result = ''
for item in self.calculate(self.initial(self.debug, self.addr_BA8())):
result = result + hex_string(item)

return '8404{}{}{}{}{}'.format(hex_string(self.hex_CE0[7]), hex_string(self.hex_CE0[3]),
hex_string(self.hex_CE0[1]), hex_string(self.hex_CE0[6]), result)

def X_Gorgon(param, data, cookie):
gorgon = []
ttime = time()
Khronos = hex(int(ttime))[2:]
url_md5 = md5(bytearray(param, 'utf-8')).hexdigest()
for i in range(0, 4):
gorgon.append(int(url_md5[2 * i: 2 * i + 2], 16))
if data:
if isinstance(data, str):
data = data.encode(encoding='utf-8')
data_md5 = md5(data).hexdigest()
for i in range(0, 4):
gorgon.append(int(data_md5[2 * i: 2 * i + 2], 16))
for i in range(0, 4):
if cookie:
cookie_md5 = md5(bytearray(cookie, 'utf-8')).hexdigest()
for i in range(0, 4):
gorgon.append(int(cookie_md5[2 * i: 2 * i + 2], 16))
for i in range(0, 4):
gorgon = gorgon + [0x1, 0x1, 0x2, 0x4]
for i in range(0, 4):
gorgon.append(int(Khronos[2 * i: 2 * i + 2], 16))
return {'X-Gorgon': XG(gorgon).main(), 'X-Khronos': str(int(ttime))}

def run(param="", stub="", cookie=""):
gorgon = []
ttime = time()
Khronos = hex(int(ttime))[2:]
url_md5 = md5(bytearray(param, 'utf-8')).hexdigest()
for i in range(0, 4):
gorgon.append(int(url_md5[2 * i: 2 * i + 2], 16))
if stub:
data_md5 = stub
for i in range(0, 4):
gorgon.append(int(data_md5[2 * i: 2 * i + 2], 16))
for i in range(0, 4):
if cookie:
cookie_md5 = md5(bytearray(cookie, 'utf-8')).hexdigest()
for i in range(0, 4):
gorgon.append(int(cookie_md5[2 * i: 2 * i + 2], 16))
for i in range(0, 4):
gorgon = gorgon + [0x1, 0x1, 0x2, 0x4]
for i in range(0, 4):
gorgon.append(int(Khronos[2 * i: 2 * i + 2], 16))
return {'X-Gorgon': XG(gorgon).main(), 'X-Khronos': str(int(ttime))}

def get_stub(data):
if isinstance(data, dict):
data = json.dumps(data)

if isinstance(data, str):
data = data.encode(encoding='utf-8')
if data == None or data == "" or len(data) == 0:
return "00000000000000000000000000000000"

m = hashlib.md5()
res = m.hexdigest()
res = res.upper()
return res

def get_profile(session_id, device_id, iid):
"""Retrieve the current TikTok username for a given session, device, and iid."""

url = f" "
headers = {
"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
"Cookie": f"sessionid={session_id}",
"sdk-version": "2",
"user-agent": "com.zhiliaoapp.musically/432424234 (Linux; U; Android 5; en; fewfwdw; Build/PI;tt-ok/",


response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies={"sessionid": session_id})
return response.json()["data"]["username"]
except Exception as e:
return "None"

def check_is_changed(last_username, session_id, device_id, iid):
"""Check if the username has been changed in the TikTok profile."""
return get_profile(session_id, device_id, iid) != last_username

def change_username(session_id, device_id, iid, last_username, new_username):
"""Attempt to change a TikTok username."""
data = f"aid=364225&unique_id={quote(new_username)}"
parm = f"aid=364225&residence=&device_id={device_id}&version_name=1.1.0&os_version=17.4.1&iid={iid}&app_name=tiktok_snail&locale=en&ac=4G&sys_region=SA&version_code=1.1.0&channel=App%20Store&op_region=SA&os_api=18&device_brand=iPad&idfv=16045E07-1ED5-4350-9318-77A1469C0B89&device_platform=iPad&device_type=iPad13,4&carrier_region1=&tz_name=Asia/Riyadh&account_region=sa&build_number=11005&tz_offset=10800&app_language=en&carrier_region=&current_region=&aid=364225&mcc_mnc=&screen_width=1284&uoo=1&content_language=&language=en&cdid=B75649A607DA449D8FF2ADE97E0BC3F1&openudid=7b053588b18d61b89c891592139b68d918b44933&app_version=1.1.0"

sig = run(parm, md5(data.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() if data else None,None)
url = f" {parm}"
headers = {
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"User-Agent": "Whee 1.1.0 rv:11005 (iPad; iOS 17.4.1; en_SA@calendar=gregorian) Cronet",

"Cookie": f"sessionid={session_id}",
response = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers)
result = response.text
if "unique_id" in result :
if(check_is_changed(last_username, session_id, device_id, iid)):
return "Username change successful."
return "Failed to change username: " + str(result)
return "Failed to change username: " + str(result)

def main():
"""Main function to handle user interaction and username change."""
device_id = str(random.randint(777777788, 999999999999))
iid = str(random.randint(777777788, 999999999999))

session_id = input("Enter session ID: ")

last_username = get_profile(session_id, device_id, iid)
if last_username != "None": #ء
print(f"Your current TikTok username is: {last_username}")
new_username = input("Enter the new username you wish to set: ")
print(change_username(session_id, device_id, iid,last_username, new_username))

print("Invalid session ID or other error.")
print("telegram @harbi")
# telegram @harbi

if __name__ == "__main__":

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