Gold Üye
- Katılım
- 7 Mar 2024
- Mesajlar
- 153
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- 22
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Linkleri görebilmek için kayıt olmanız gerekmektedir
wchar_t randStr[MAX_PATH];
StringCchPrintfW(randStr, ARRAYSIZE(randStr), L"%08X", id[0]);
StringCchPrintfW(DEVICE_NAME, ARRAYSIZE(DEVICE_NAME), L"\\Device\\%s", randStr);
StringCchPrintfW(LINK_NAME, ARRAYSIZE(LINK_NAME), L"\\DosDevices\\%s", randStr);
UNICODE_STRING name, link;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&name, DEVICE_NAME);
RtlInitUnicodeString(&link, LINK_NAME);
Status = IoCreateDevice(DriverObject, 0, &name, FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN, FALSE, &DeviceObject);
if you don't know how to code, move on, it's not for you <3C:wchar_t randStr[MAX_PATH]; StringCchPrintfW(randStr, ARRAYSIZE(randStr), L"%08X", id[0]); wchar_t DEVICE_NAME[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t LINK_NAME[MAX_PATH]; StringCchPrintfW(DEVICE_NAME, ARRAYSIZE(DEVICE_NAME), L"\\Device\\%s", randStr); StringCchPrintfW(LINK_NAME, ARRAYSIZE(LINK_NAME), L"\\DosDevices\\%s", randStr); UNICODE_STRING name, link; RtlInitUnicodeString(&name, DEVICE_NAME); RtlInitUnicodeString(&link, LINK_NAME); Status = IoCreateDevice(DriverObject, 0, &name, FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN, FALSE, &DeviceObject);
Random string ile device olusturmak nedir xd Random string ile olusturdun diyelim usermode'a o ayni stringi gonderip nasil handle acmayi dusunuyorsun IO Dispatch icin ? Troll bir source gibi geldi bana.
not for pasters but I would spend less time if I wrote my own driver instead of trying to do this man and most places are broken. (ım not a paster don't scribble me )Linkleri görebilmek için kayıt olmanız gerekmektedir
Your talking way too big for someone who is reposting sources leaked by other peopleif you don't know how to code, move on, it's not for you <3
or buy my cheat source valorant that work with this driver i send full driver without need add anything
Is this your source code? Well. Quality of source code equal to your IQif you don't know how to code, move on, it's not for you <3
or buy my cheat source valorant that work with this driver i send full driver without need add anything
random string usermode çekme yöntemi varda kullandıı method saçma yapman gereken shadow muhabbetini bilmiyorsan alıp kendi driver geçirmek adam bunun için paylaşmışIs this your source code? Well. Quality of source code equal to your IQ
@aygitk0caman @agentlmao ? Benim postumamı güldünüz yoksa adamın sourcesinin troll olmasına mı?
Shadow muhabbeti 2 yıldır public UC de. Usermode a device initialize ederkenki oluşturduğun random stringi usermode a nasıl gönderdiğini açıklarmısın yasincim çok merak ettik hepimiz.random string usermode çekme yöntemi varda kullandıı method saçma yapman gereken shadow muhabbetini bilmiyorsan alıp kendi driver geçirmek adam bunun için paylaşmış