Fortnite Güncel Offsets


Efsane Üye
22 May 2021
09.08.2023 tarihli güncell offsetler
    uintptr uworld = 0xEE9ED98;
    uintptr FName = 0xEEB2C80;
    uintptr ViewPoint = 0xEDC66E0;
    uintptr Gameinstance = 0x1b8;
    uintptr LocalPlayers = 0x38;
    uintptr PlayerController = 0x30;
    uintptr LocalPawn = 0x338;
    uintptr PlayerState = 0x2b0;
    uintptr RootComponet = 0x198;
    uintptr GameState = 0x158;
    uintptr PersistentLevel = 0x30;
    uintptr ActorCount = 0xA0;
    uintptr Cameramanager = 0x348;
    uintptr AActor = 0x98;
    uintptr CurrentActor = 0x8;
    uintptr Mesh = 0x318;
    uintptr Revivefromdbnotime = 0x46b8;
    uintptr TeamId = 0x10D0;
    uintptr ActorTeamId = 0x10C8;
    uintptr IsDBNO = 0x872;
    uintptr Bonecache = 0x648;
    uintptr LocalActorPos = 0x128;
    uintptr ComponetToWorld = 0x240;
    uintptr BoneArray = 0x600;
    uintptr Velocity = 0xb8;
    uintptr PawnPrivate = 0x308;
    uintptr PlayerArray = 0x2a8;
    uintptr relativelocation = 0x128;
    uintptr UCharacterMovementComponent = 0x318;
    uintptr entity_actor = 0x310;
    uintptr bIsReloadingWeapon = 0x358;
    uintptr GlobalAnimRateScale = 0xA80;
    uintptr CurrentWeapon = 0x948;

struct CamewaDescwipsion
    Vector3 Location;
    Vector3 Rotation;
    float FieldOfView;
    char Useless[0x18];
}; Camera vCamera;
CamewaDescwipsion GetCamera()
    char v1; // r8
    CamewaDescwipsion ViewPoint = ReadBizzy<CamewaDescwipsion>(base_address + 0xEDC66E0);
    BYTE* v2 = (BYTE*)&ViewPoint;
    int i; // edx
    __int64 result; // rax

    v1 = 0x40;
    for (i = 0; i < 0x40; ++i)
        *v2 ^= v1;
        result = (unsigned int)(i + 0x17);
        v1 += i + 0x17;

    return ViewPoint;

Vector3 GetBoneWithRotation(uintptr_t mesh, int bone_id)
    uintptr_t bone_array = ReadBizzy<uintptr_t>(mesh + OFFSETS::BoneArray);
    if (bone_array == NULL) bone_array = ReadBizzy<uintptr_t>(mesh + OFFSETS::BoneArray + 0x10);
    FTransform bone = ReadBizzy<FTransform>(bone_array + (bone_id * 0x60));
    FTransform component_to_world = ReadBizzy<FTransform>(mesh + OFFSETS::ComponentToWorld);
    D3DMATRIX matrix = MatrixMultiplication(bone.ToMatrixWithScale(), component_to_world.ToMatrixWithScale());
    return Vector3(matrix._41, matrix._42, matrix._43);

D3DXMATRIX Matrix(Vector3 rot, Vector3 origin = Vector3(0, 0, 0))
    float radPitch = (rot.x * float(M_PI) / 180.f);
    float radYaw = (rot.y * float(M_PI) / 180.f);
    float radRoll = (rot.z * float(M_PI) / 180.f);

    float SP = sinf(radPitch);
    float CP = cosf(radPitch);
    float SY = sinf(radYaw);
    float CY = cosf(radYaw);
    float SR = sinf(radRoll);
    float CR = cosf(radRoll);

    D3DMATRIX matrix;
    matrix.m[0][0] = CP * CY;
    matrix.m[0][1] = CP * SY;
    matrix.m[0][2] = SP;
    matrix.m[0][3] = 0.f;

    matrix.m[1][0] = SR * SP * CY - CR * SY;
    matrix.m[1][1] = SR * SP * SY + CR * CY;
    matrix.m[1][2] = -SR * CP;
    matrix.m[1][3] = 0.f;

    matrix.m[2][0] = -(CR * SP * CY + SR * SY);
    matrix.m[2][1] = CY * SR - CR * SP * SY;
    matrix.m[2][2] = CR * CP;
    matrix.m[2][3] = 0.f;

    matrix.m[3][0] = origin.x;
    matrix.m[3][1] = origin.y;
    matrix.m[3][2] = origin.z;
    matrix.m[3][3] = 1.f;

    return matrix;

Vector3 ProjectWorldToScreen(Vector3 WorldLocation)
    CamewaDescwipsion ViewPoint = GetCamera();
    D3DMATRIX tempMatrix = Matrix(ViewPoint.Rotation);
    Vector3 vAxisX = Vector3(tempMatrix.m[0][0], tempMatrix.m[0][1], tempMatrix.m[0][2]);
    Vector3 vAxisY = Vector3(tempMatrix.m[1][0], tempMatrix.m[1][1], tempMatrix.m[1][2]);
    Vector3 vAxisZ = Vector3(tempMatrix.m[2][0], tempMatrix.m[2][1], tempMatrix.m[2][2]);
    Vector3 vDelta = WorldLocation - ViewPoint.Location;
    Vector3 vTransformed = Vector3(vDelta.Dot(vAxisY), vDelta.Dot(vAxisZ), vDelta.Dot(vAxisX));
    if (vTransformed.z < 1.f)
        vTransformed.z = 1.f;
    return Vector3((Width / 2.0f) + vTransformed.x * (((Width / 2.0f) / tanf(ViewPoint.FieldOfView * (float)M_PI / 360.f))) / vTransformed.z, (Height / 2.0f) - vTransformed.y * (((Width / 2.0f) / tanf(ViewPoint.FieldOfView * (float)M_PI / 360.f))) / vTransformed.z, 0);
Son düzenleme:
dostum bu offsetsleri valo için kullanıcam teşekkür edrim
Offsets: [Yeni]

UWorld: 0x1123AF78

FreeFn: 0xC566C28

GetBoneMatrix: 0x149B864

ProjectWorldToScreen: 0x35BD6A8

GObjects: 0x11213D40

GetNameByIndex: 0x1004854

LineOfSightTo: 0x65403D0

StaticFindObject: 0x3EDBF1C

Other New Offsets:

RelativeLocation: 0x120

RelativeRotation: 0x138

OwningGameInstance: 0x1D0

WeaponData: 0x4A8

ComponentVelocity: 0x168

SeasonLevelUIDisplay: 0x10F8

CurrentWeapon: 0xA20

CurrentVehicle: 0x2840

CachedFuelComponent: 0x1250

CustomTimeDilation: 0x68

BIgnoreTryToFireSlotCooldownRestriction: 0x1359

GlobalAnimRateScale: 0xA68
Son düzenleme:
i changed source and look like seems not working what wrong =( working fine into apex legends my it's been a while I've been trying to update a Fortnite cheat and without success I still don't understand why
also i use this :
bone , worldscreen ect
original source ( i just changed driver for mine) also got base address if you help me to make my cheat work I will offer you my driver + sign so you will be able to sc start your driver without problem I've been testing for 8 hours into eac no ban and it doesn't work :

#define OFFSET_UWORLD 0x117392A8
#define VIEW_POINT 0xE49C7E0

namespace OFFSETS
    uintptr_t CurrentVehicle = 0x25B8;
    uintptr_t bUseGravity = 0x6EA;
    uintptr_t CurrentWeapon = 0xa20;
    uintptr_t Gameinstance = 0x1D0;
    uintptr_t LocalPlayers = 0x38;
    uintptr_t PlayerController = 0x30;
    uintptr_t PlayerCameraManager = 0x348;
    uintptr_t LocalPawn = 0x338;
    uintptr_t PlayerState = 0x2B0;
    uintptr_t RootComponet = 0x198;
    uintptr_t RelativeLocation = 0x120;
    uintptr_t GameState = 0x158;
    uintptr_t PlayerArray = 0x2A8;
    uintptr_t WeaponData = 0x450;
    uintptr_t PawnPrivate = 0x308;
    uintptr_t TeamIndex = 0x10e0;
    uintptr_t bIsReloadingWeapon = 0x360;
    uintptr_t AmmoCount = 0xdcc;
    uintptr_t Mesh = 0x318;
    uintptr_t LastSubmitTime = 0x368;
    uintptr_t LastRenderTimeOnScreen = 0x370;
    uintptr_t isDBNO = 0x872;
    uintptr_t BoneArray = 0x608;
    uintptr_t BoneArrayCache = 0x648;
    uintptr_t ComponentToWorld = 0x240;
    uintptr_t PersistentLevel = 0x30;
    uintptr_t ActorCount = 0xA8;
    uintptr_t AActor = 0xA0;
    uintptr_t CurrentActor = 0x8;
    uintptr_t TeamId = 0x10E0;
    uintptr_t ReviveFromDBNOTime = 0x4AE0;
eyw artık offset aramicam teşekkürler paylaşım için

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