C# Minecraft Reach Kodlama


Efsane Üye
22 May 2021
C# Minecraft Reach Kodlama

Nasıl Kullanılır ?
1-c# konsol uygulaması isminde bir proje oluşturun
2-verdiğim kodu yapıştırın
3-Derle diyin ve artık hile kullanıma hazır

How to use ?
1-Create a project named c# console application
2- Paste the code I gave
3-Compile it and the cheat is now ready to use

using System;

using System.Linq;

using System.Threading;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using Memory;

namespace Reach


    public partial class Main : Form


        Mem M = new Mem();


        string arrayReach = "00 00 00 00 00 00 08 40";

        string arrayReachBuffer = "00 00 00 00 00 00 12 40";


        bool isScanning = false;

        //Enums and Lists

        IEnumerable<long> aReach;

        IEnumerable<long> aReachBuffer;

        List<long> lReach = new List<long>();

        List<long> lReachBuffer = new List<long>();


        double reachVal;

        double reachBufferVal;


        public Main()




        //Form Load

        private async void Main_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


            M.OpenProcess("javaw"); //Opening the Minecraft process

            await Task.Run(() => scanReach()); //Starting the Reach scan

            tmrReach.Start(); //Starting the Reach process


        //Scanning for 3.0 Double and 4.5 Double

        public async void scanReach()


            isScanning = true;

            aReach = await M.AoBScan(0, 90000000, arrayReach, false, true); //Reading the addresses of 3.0 Double

            aReachBuffer = await M.AoBScan(0, 90000000, arrayReachBuffer, false, true); //Reading the addresses of 4.5 Double

            lReach.AddRange(aReach.ToList()); //Adding all the addresses to a list, so we don't overwrite them when we rescan our reach

            lReachBuffer.AddRange(aReachBuffer.ToList()); // ::

            isScanning = false;


        //Actual Reach process

        private async void tmrReach_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)



            if (M.OpenProcess("javaw") && !isScanning) //Checking if Minecraft is opened and if we are scanning



                foreach (var aBuffer in lReachBuffer) //Looping through every address in the List for 4.5 Double



                    foreach (var aReach in lReach) //Looping through every address in the List for 3.0 Double


                        if (aBuffer.ToString("X").Length == 7 && aReach.ToString("X").Length == 7) //Checking if the 4.5 Double address has a zero in the beginning


                            if (aBuffer.ToString("X").Substring(0, 3) == aReach.ToString("X").Substring(0, 3)) //Checking if the addresses are similar


                                reachVal = M.ReadDouble(aReach.ToString("X")); //Scanning the value of 3.0 Double

                                reachBufferVal = M.ReadDouble(aBuffer.ToString("X")); //Scanning the value of 4.5 Double

                                aList.Items.Add("Reach: " + aReach.ToString("X") + " | " + reachVal.ToString()); //Printing the address and value of the address in the Listbox (3.0 Double)                           

                                aList.Items.Add("ReachBuffer: " + aBuffer.ToString("X") + " | " + reachBufferVal.ToString()); //Printing the address and value of the address in the Listbox (4.5 Double)

                                if (reachVal.ToString().Length < 5 && reachVal.ToString().Length > 0)     //Checking if the Length of the 3.0 Double value is min. 1 and max. 4

                                {                                                                         //Because if the value corrupts and we edit it, it will crash the game.


                                    if (chckReach.Checked) //Checking if we want Reach to be enabled


                                        await Task.Run(() => M.WriteMemory(aReach.ToString("X"), "double", "6,0"));  //Overwriting 3.0 Double to 6.0

                                        await Task.Run(() => M.WriteMemory(aBuffer.ToString("X"), "double", "7,5")); //Overwriting 4.5 Double to 7.5, because otherwise we'll only have 4.5 blocks of Reach




                                        await Task.Run(() => M.WriteMemory(aReach.ToString("X"), "double", "3,0")); //Changing to the default values if we don't want Reach to be enabled.

                                        await Task.Run(() => M.WriteMemory(aBuffer.ToString("X"), "double", "4,5"));














        //Rescanning all the addresses

        private async void tmrRescan_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)


            if (M.OpenProcess("javaw"))


                await Task.Run(() => scanReach()); //Starting the scan process of Reach




Moderatör tarafında düzenlendi:
Direkt git hub dosyasını verde çalıştıralım bari xd
C# Minecraft Reach Kodlama

Nasıl Kullanılır ?
1-c# konsol uygulaması isminde bir proje oluşturun
2-verdiğim kodu yapıştırın
3-Derle diyin ve artık hile kullanıma hazır

How to use ?
1-Create a project named c# console application
2- Paste the code I gave
3-Compile it and the cheat is now ready to use

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Memory;

namespace Reach
public partial class Main : Form
Mem M = new Mem();

string arrayReach = "00 00 00 00 00 00 08 40";
string arrayReachBuffer = "00 00 00 00 00 00 12 40";

bool isScanning = false;

//Enums and Lists
IEnumerable<long> aReach;
IEnumerable<long> aReachBuffer;
List<long> lReach = new List<long>();
List<long> lReachBuffer = new List<long>();

double reachVal;
double reachBufferVal;

public Main()

//Form Load
private async void Main_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
M.OpenProcess("javaw"); //Opening the Minecraft process
await Task.Run(() => scanReach()); //Starting the Reach scan
tmrReach.Start(); //Starting the Reach process

//Scanning for 3.0 Double and 4.5 Double
public async void scanReach()
isScanning = true;
aReach = await M.AoBScan(0, 90000000, arrayReach, false, true); //Reading the addresses of 3.0 Double
aReachBuffer = await M.AoBScan(0, 90000000, arrayReachBuffer, false, true); //Reading the addresses of 4.5 Double
lReach.AddRange(aReach.ToList()); //Adding all the addresses to a list, so we don't overwrite them when we rescan our reach
lReachBuffer.AddRange(aReachBuffer.ToList()); // ::
isScanning = false;

//Actual Reach process
private async void tmrReach_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

if (M.OpenProcess("javaw") && !isScanning) //Checking if Minecraft is opened and if we are scanning

foreach (var aBuffer in lReachBuffer) //Looping through every address in the List for 4.5 Double

foreach (var aReach in lReach) //Looping through every address in the List for 3.0 Double

if (aBuffer.ToString("X").Length == 7 && aReach.ToString("X").Length == 7) //Checking if the 4.5 Double address has a zero in the beginning

if (aBuffer.ToString("X").Substring(0, 3) == aReach.ToString("X").Substring(0, 3)) //Checking if the addresses are similar
reachVal = M.ReadDouble(aReach.ToString("X")); //Scanning the value of 3.0 Double
reachBufferVal = M.ReadDouble(aBuffer.ToString("X")); //Scanning the value of 4.5 Double

aList.Items.Add("Reach: " + aReach.ToString("X") + " | " + reachVal.ToString()); //Printing the address and value of the address in the Listbox (3.0 Double)
aList.Items.Add("ReachBuffer: " + aBuffer.ToString("X") + " | " + reachBufferVal.ToString()); //Printing the address and value of the address in the Listbox (4.5 Double)

if (reachVal.ToString().Length < 5 && reachVal.ToString().Length > 0) //Checking if the Length of the 3.0 Double value is min. 1 and max. 4
{ //Because if the value corrupts and we edit it, it will crash the game.

if (chckReach.Checked) //Checking if we want Reach to be enabled
await Task.Run(() => M.WriteMemory(aReach.ToString("X"), "double", "6,0")); //Overwriting 3.0 Double to 6.0
await Task.Run(() => M.WriteMemory(aBuffer.ToString("X"), "double", "7,5")); //Overwriting 4.5 Double to 7.5, because otherwise we'll only have 4.5 blocks of Reach
await Task.Run(() => M.WriteMemory(aReach.ToString("X"), "double", "3,0")); //Changing to the default values if we don't want Reach to be enabled.
await Task.Run(() => M.WriteMemory(aBuffer.ToString("X"), "double", "4,5"));








//Rescanning all the addresses
private async void tmrRescan_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (M.OpenProcess("javaw"))
await Task.Run(() => scanReach()); //Starting the scan process of Reach
knk hata veriyor ya bendenmi kaynaklı acaba
Bu kullanıcıyla herhangi bir iş veya ticaret yapmak istiyorsanız, forumdan uzaklaştırıldığını sakın unutmayın.
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az önce gördüm arkadaşlarım denemiş ama işe yaramış başarılı
arkadaşım önerdi bana çalışıyormuş
Bu kullanıcıyla herhangi bir iş veya ticaret yapmak istiyorsanız, forumdan uzaklaştırıldığını sakın unutmayın.
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